Next, you will prepare for the fair in Brazil together with your research adviser.
First of all, you have to fill in the form with general information about yourself. Then you will fill in a special form, in which you’ll describe your project. Moreover, you should prepare an Abstract for Judgment (250-500 words) and a Research Plan.
During the fair in Brazil, you will also need the Project Data Book (a book where you should have written everything about the project for a whole year while the research was in progress), a Research Paper (2 copies), a poster, and a prototype.

Importantly, don’t forget to prepare a poster and a prototype of your work. The poster has to briefly tell about the content and meaning of your research project. You will use it at the final stage of the competition in Brazil to defend your research in front of the jury and share your ideas and findings. The JASU International Relations Department will help you organise the trip, and the Ukrainian government represented by the NC “JASU” will cover your expenses.